The Union is here to support you in planning your events. Ensure you follow the requirements below for a successful and safe event.
Submit events below.
Event Requirements
When do I need an Event Proposal?
For any activity in London outside of your Core Risk Assessment, you need:
Event Proposal Form
Some events may need:
- An Event & Trip Budget on eActivities (£500+)
- Additional booking request forms, annotated maps, contracts or H&S documentation. Please see the 'Additional Steps' section to find out if your event needs this.
Events Which Require Proposals No Proposal Required Conference Core Activity Dinner / Ball Members Only Meeting Organised Sports Event / Competition Movie Night Organised Performance / Show Small Social on Campus Event 100+ Attendees Outdoor Event Film Screening Event with External Suppliers / Coaches Event with External Speaker / External Attendees -
Submission Times
Please adhere to the timeframes below; any submissions for events which are too short notice will be automatically rejected by our system.
Activity Type
Submission Time
Large Event (100+ attendees)
2 months
External Speaker Event
6 weeks
Union Venues Event
1 month
All Other Activities
3 weeks
Submit your forms and risk assessments as early as possible to allow time for feedback and financial processing. Do not finalise any event plans or expenditures until receiving final feedback from the Union.
Event Proposal
Please complete this form and attach a risk assessment for review.
Event Planning
Take a look at this training guide for information and policies relating to different types of events including external speakers, food, suppliers and contracts.
Additional Steps
If you are using any of these services, you may need to complete additional or separate forms to the event proposal. Please see below the relevant process for your activity and follow the advice given.
ICUnion Venues (Metric, Union Bar, Reynolds, h-bar)
- Please complete an Activity Proposal Form and select the Union Venues option for your location.
- You will be asked to complete details of a preferred space, three dates in order of preference and AV / Service requirements.
- This will be booking request reviewed in collaboration with the Venues Team and a team member will be in contact to confirm dates, times, pricing and additional services.
- You may receive a regular risk assessment review.
- Proposals will be marked as 'Reviewed & Sufficient' once the details of the booking are confirmed and the feedback has been actioned.
- Simple space bookings of the bars may be marked as 'Reviewed & Sufficient' under the venues' own risk assessments.
Stall Bookings
- For stall bookings throughout the year, please use the Activity Proposal Form.
- Please title the proposal STALL REQUEST and specify your preferred space in the activity description.
- Please allow a minimum of 3weeks notice ahead of the earliest requested date.
- You do not need to submit a separate room booking for these.
- Please attach a risk assessment if you have any activity at your stall or are selling items or providing food.
- The spaces available for stalls are the SAF Foyer & Concourse and Sherfield Concourse Lv1&2.
- The Union will check availability for you however, the space may be out of use if other large events or exams are being hosted in the building at the time.
Internal Events (Great Hall, QTR, SCR)
- Please submit an Activity Proposal Form by the deadlines advertised below:
- Term 1 Events:
8th SeptemberDEADLINE PASSED - Term 2 Events:
30th NovemberDEADLINE PASSED - Term 3 Events: 24th March
- Term 1 Events:
- Complete an Activity Proposal Form as usual, selecting your proposed booking date and specifying the space(s) in your activity description.
- You will have been emailed a College booking form which is a paper form provided by the Internal Events Team at the College.
- This should be attached to the Proposal to be signed by the Fire Office, security and by the Union.
- A member of the Activities Team will sign the form once the event has been approved and no earlier.
- Some relevant College staff will also review your risk assessment to confirm it is sufficient for use for the space and activity.
- If you are having AV provided by an external company please add a RAMS specific to the Great Hall including a map of the Great Hall, proof of their Public Liability, if you will have haze, the external provider will need to submit a 'Permit to work' and complete the external contractor College induction.
- Please submit an Activity Proposal Form by the deadlines advertised below:
Campus Outdoor Spaces
- If you would like to host a CSP event outdoors on campus, we have a booking request form for the use of Queens Lawn, Dangoor Plaza & Princes Gardens. This is the same form as for 'Internal Events' spaces (see above process and deadlines).
- You will need to attach an annotated map of your event area and set-up to your event proposal:
- Princes Gardens map & Dangoor Plaza map.
Please note there are a few restrictions to the outdoor space bookings.
- No Alcohol except through College catering & signed off through proposal process.
- No use of generators.
- No food, unless it’s via the College catering booking, or shop bought pre-packaged.
- No temporary structures.
- External guests will need to be via invite only and with a 2:1 ratio of 2 Imperial student :1 External guests.
- Bookable spaces are only Princes Gardens and Dangoor Plaza (Queens Lawn).
- Booking requests to be submitted by the termly advertised deadlines.
- Event proposals to be submitted no less than 2months in advance.
- Events dates to take place during term time.
- Events may be rejected if the event quota for this type of booking is reached- this is dependent on team capacity.
- It is at the discretion of various College teams with responsibility for the spaces to sign off on activity that is able to take place there; feedback may include a change in the event plan if it is deemed necessary.
Medical Labs
- For any activity taking place in medical labs, which are not booked through our regular process, CSPs will need to use the Faculty of Medicine Student Room & Events Risk Assessment Template.
- This should be filled out in addition to your regular risk assessment and proposal form.
- Please follow the instructions on the template and send it with your booking requests to the colleague's email stated.
- The colleague who books rooms and equipment will work with the Union on these submissions so please be patient whilst they contact each student group.
- If you are running this activity as part of a larger conference or event, please ensure your risk assessment covers this too.
- If you have a contract associated with your event (e.g. for an external hire), please submit these through the External Contracts Form via your student dashboard on SUMS.
- Please allow a minimum of 1 month submission time ahead of the deadline for signing or submit in line with the published deadline for your event type, whichever is longer.
- Your contracts will only be signed upon associated event approval.
- Students must not sign contracts themselves under any circumstances!
Legal Disclaimer: Contract Signing Authority
Please be advised that only approved staff and officer trustees of Imperial College Union are authorised to enter into contracts or agreements on behalf of the Union. Individual students, including student members and representatives of Clubs and Societies, do not have the authority to sign or commit to any contracts or agreements in the name of Imperial College Union.
Any contract or agreement signed by an individual student on behalf of the Union will not be recognised as valid or binding. The Union reserves the right to take appropriate action to nullify any such unauthorised agreements.
For verification of authorised personnel or for further inquiries regarding contract signing, please contact Imperial College Union at