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Meet your Liberation and Community Officers!

Imperial College Union
Thursday 12 September 2024 11:32

The Liberation and Community Networks are run by students who identify with, ally with, or are interested in each particular group. They represent marginalised and underrepresented demographics to create safe spaces and communities for their members.

Get to know your nine networks and what your Officers are planning for their communities in the year ahead!


LGBTQ+ Officer: Anson

Hi everyone! My name is Anson (they/them), I’m a 4th year Bioengineering student and your LGBTQ+ Officer this year.

Last year I was the Secretary of IQ (the LGBTQ+ Society) and Wellbeing Events Officer of the Bioengineering Society. I really enjoyed working on student welfare and organizing events.

Some of the things I plan to do this year include...

  • Continue working with the Trans+ Officer and the Union to support the needs of trans+ students at Imperial – such as promoting the availability of the Gender Expression Fund to trans+ students

  • Work closely and foster collaboration between IQ, Sexpression, Constituent Unions and other societies to organize events such as LGBTQ+ Career talks

  • Improve our mental health support network and equip students with the skills and knowledge to support their peers by holding workshops and training

Check out my full profile and goals here or get in touch at


Working Class Officer: Scarlett

Hi, I’m Scarlett, your Working Class Officer this year! I am in my final year studying biochemistry. 

Being from a working class background, my time at Imperial hasn’t been without its challenges; I am excited to have the chance to address some of these challenges and help other working class and first-generation students thrive at university!

Some of the things I plan to do this year include...

  • Build a supportive community for working class and first-gen students to share their experiences and knowledge, and help each other navigate university life
  • Continue efforts to lobby for cheaper, more sustainable food options on campus
  • Help students to navigate challenges such as imposter syndrome, networking and university finances

Check out my full profile and goals here or get in touch at


Gender Equality Officer: Wendy

Hello! I’m Wendy Song, your Gender Equality Officer this year.

In the same role last year, I have been striving to fulfill my commitment to fostering an inclusive environment and empowering our communities to fight against disparity.

Some of the things I plan to do this year include...

  • Organize career fairs for women in STEMB fields to improve job and internship access
  • Advocate for daily distribution of feminine hygiene products in all female and gender-neutral restrooms on campus.

  • Partner with faculties, particularly engineering, to increase female student applications.

Check out my full profile and goals here or get in touch at


Ethics & Environment Officer: Hollie

Hi everyone, I’m Hollie. I am entering my fourth year of Medicine to complete my iBSc in Global Health, and I’ll be your incoming Ethics and Environment officer!

Some of the things I plan to do this year include...

  • Organise fun sustainability events including clothes swaps
  • Support Imperial to improve its plant-based food offerings and student engagement with this
  • Tackle lunchtime wastage

Check out my full profile and goals here or get in touch at


Disabilities Officer: Meg

I'm Meg, I am a third year PhD student in the Department of Bioengineering. As a student with a disability myself, I will endeavour to represent and advocate for all disabled students (formally diagnosed or otherwise) at a Union and College level.

Some of the things I plan to do this year include:

  • Raise awareness of the needs of postgraduate disabled students, especially those in a research degree
  • Create a bank of information for personal tutors and supervisors about disabilities in our student body
  • Lobby College for financial support for students seeking Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)

Check out my full profile and goals here or get in touch at


Black & Minority Ethnic Officer: Comfort

Hey, I'm Comfort, a Medicine student at Imperial. Born in Nigeria and London-based since I was 8, my journey here as a BME student has been a mix of navigating new paths and embracing diverse experiences.

Some of the things I plan to do this year include:

  • BME Showcase and Networking Event: Creating a platform for students to share stories and connect. Something like a spring formal but spruced up a bit.
  • Mentorship Program: Establishing a mentorship initiative for BME students, connecting them with experienced peers
  • Workshops on Diversity and Inclusion: Hosting workshops to promote awareness and understanding of diverse backgrounds.

Check out my full profile and goals here or get in touch at


Interfaith Officer: Ashay

International Officer: Yuanze

Mental Health Officer: Miriam


You can also learn more about all things Liberation and Community here!