Infectious Diseases Society

Category: Academic Related
Hi everyone! As 'Outstanding Club, Society and Project' of 2021, we are a new society focused on spreading awareness of infectious diseases and the role they play locally and on a global scale. We now live in the era of pandemics, and the COVID-19 has brought the impact of infectious diseases to the forefront. We want to support students in furthering their interest & understanding of the field. We offer a variety of benefits to our members, including access to revision materials for exam time, small-group tutorials and general support. As a member you'll be also be able to: - attend our conferences and partner conferences, talks and workshops from world leaders in the global health and infectious disease fields at a discounted price. Our previous events include conferences with Students for Global Health, fundraisers with MSF (Doctors Without Borders) and LonWHO! - participate in public health campaigns and events to raise awareness for infectious disease. - access our revision tutorials and resources for all years, all year round! Follow us on @icsm.idsoc on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with us!

Join Infectious Diseases Society

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 223 current members

