Liberation & Community Officers

Speak up for culture change at Imperial

Our eight Liberation & Community Officers are the voices of underrepresented groups and ethical causes at Imperial. Elected by the entire student body, they lead on campaigning, lobbying and policy change within the Union and the wider Imperial community to ensure that all members have a fair and equitable experience.

Liberation & Community Officer roles are part-time, unpaid volunteer positions that are taken up alongside full-time study. They are supported by the Deputy President (Welfare) and the Education & Welfare staff team. Each Liberation & Community Officer also sits on Union Council, the student-led policy-making body of Imperial College Union, as well as its subcommittee, the Community & Welfare Board.

The following positions are available in the Summer Elections 2018:

  • LGBT+ Officer

LGBT+ Officer

The LGBT+ Officer represents the interests of Imperial students that identify as part of the LGBT+ community, and campaigns on any relevant issues. They work with IQ, the LGBT society, and Imperial 600, College's LGBT staff network.

To find out more about the role, you can contact the current LGBT+ Officer, Alessio Incitti.