Our Strategy 2017-20

Our Strategy 2017-20 is our vision for the future of Imperial College Union.

Our Strategy sets out an ambitious plan to take our activities to the next level. On these pages, you can explore the Strategy, and how it will affect you, your support, your development, and your voice, during your time at Imperial.

By cultivating student communities, strengthening our democracy, helping those in need, developing the skills of our volunteers, empowering students to change the world around them, and following a strong moral compass, we will make the Imperial student experience the best in the United Kingdom.  

The time you spend at Imperial shapes who we are and what we will become; through this Strategy, let us also shape Imperial.

There are five themes in Our Strategy; click the links below to find out more about them.

We also have a refreshed set of organisational values, which set out the kind of organisation we aim to be: one that demonstrates leadership, partnership, democracy and inclusivity in everything that we do.