
Student Discipline Review: Town Hall

Deputy President (Welfare)
Wednesday 19 January 2022 12:35

Last term’s Town Hall was an important one. We went over some important issues around student safety and wellbeing in the Union Venues, and what we can do to combat the spiking epidemic. 

During that conversation, a question was posed about what can be done to tackle the root cause of the issue, beyond the emergency firefighting measures that had been put into place. My response was that by reviewing the College’s Student Disciplinary procedures in the spring term, we can establish a set of clear expectations for student conduct which would define what constitutes unacceptable behaviour. Once these are defined, acts that violate another person’s bodily integrity can then be deemed sanctionable and subject to more clearly defined consequences. Having clear and immediate consequences for an individual that breaches Imperial’s values is an important precedent for cultural change. This is a key recommendation that was found in the 2021 Sexual Misconduct Survey (which I will be writing more about next week!) 


The Review 

The College’s Review of its Disciplinary Procedures aims to examine a number of different aspects of the Student Disciplinary Procedures and examine whether they are fit for purpose. It will consist of a core working party that Lloyd and I are a part of, and will include senior members of the College like the Academic Registrar, the Head of the Central Secretariat, and the Director of Student Services among others. Importantly, it will also include an experienced barrister who has had extensive experiences with disciplinary cases in the General Medical Commission (GMC). Feeding into this working party are a number of evidence groups, whose role will be to provide written pieces of feedback that the working party will consider in its decision-making. One of those evidence groups is defined as “new and existing relevant student networks” – hence my reason for calling a Town Hall at this point in time. 

The Review is set to begin at the end of January 2022 and will conclude in May 2022. It will cover the following themes: 

  1. Initial Report and Investigation – the procedures around making a complaint against another member of College, and the investigation that follows it. 

  1. Preventative measures – measures that are meant to protect vulnerable individuals at risk of harm 

  1. Summary punishments vs panel hearing – deciding on what types of offenses are subject to (milder) summary punishments, and what types of offenses should be brought before a panel 

  1. Operation of the panel – looking at how the panel operates, as well as its membership 

  1. Sexual violence and harassment – defining what constitutes sexual misconduct, and what the consequences are 

  1. Penalties – the range of penalties that can be administered by the College 

  1. Other considerations – any aspects of the student disciplinary procedures that have not been listed.


The Town Hall 

The purpose of the Town Hall will be to gather feedback from students on how the student disciplinary procedures currently operate, and what needs to be changed in order to ensure that they are fit for purpose. During the meeting, I will ask you the following questions: 

  1. What would currently prevent you from making a report against inappropriate behaviour? 

  1. What support needs to be given to the person making the report? 

  1. What support needs to be given to the person under investigation? 

  1. To what extent should the College ensure continued access to education and campuses for the parties involved whilst they are under investigation? 

  1. Should proceedings be paused when the student under investigation is not well enough to attend relevant meetings or is currently undertaking assessment? 

  1. How frequently should students be updated on the process? 

  1. Should students be allowed to have legal representation during panel hearings? 

  1. Should MBBS students be subject to Fitness to Practice procedures in place of the College’s Disciplinary Procedures? 

  1. Should the College’s Disciplinary Procedures be paused if there is active police involvement? 

  1. Are summary punishments (ie punishments administered without the deliberation of a panel) appropriate for cases involving sexual misconduct? 

  1. Should the College take forward allegations that have been made anonymously? 

We welcome anyone to come along and give us your views, whatever your personal experiences may be. The meeting is set to take place on Monday, January 24, 2022 at 6pm. Click here to get a ticket and receive the Teams link. 

If you are unable to attend the Town Hall or feel uncomfortable with discussing these topics on an open forum, feel free to type your thoughts and comments into this form, which we will be using during the meeting as well.