Sam, Deputy President of Finance & Services with India, Deputy President for Clubs & Societies

Summer Ball

Deputy President (Finance & Services)
Thursday 30 June 2022 10:36

Hi everyone 

We are still buzzing, and a bit tired, from the Union’s Summer Ball last Saturday.  After months of planning and collective hard work we pulled the night off as planned and it was absolutely amazing to see so many people get into the spirit of the night, and have fun.  

Thank you so much to all of you who came and partied and created such a fantastic atmosphere. 

Thanks also to everyone who worked on the Ball. The student performers, casual staff and volunteers. As well as your Officer Trustees and the Union’s staff. Everyone worked really hard together, as one team, to ensure people had a brilliant night. And that things were taken down and we left as little trace as possible afterwards. 

In the next week we will send out a survey to the people that came to the Ball, to find out about their experience – what worked well and what we could do differently next time. Please do complete this when it arrives in your inbox, we will use that feedback when we start planning for the Summer Ball 2023. If you have thoughts you can also drop me a line directly, at my email address: 

I hope that the Summer Ball is the start of great summer for you all. 

Sam Lee 

Deputy President Finance & Services


Picture: Sam, Deputy President of Finance & Services with India, Deputy President for Clubs & Societies