
Wilson House - Events Pass

Get your events pass now, save 25% on all ticketed Wilson House Events This year we’ve planned for you an amazing line up of exclusive Wilson House events starting with a delicious curry night at Brick Lane (don’t forget to BYOB!), followed by a Welcome Party with bowling, karaoke, pizza and the best music. And the fun doesn’t stop there, we will also be going to the all-you-can-eat Aroma buffet where you will test the limits of how much you love Asian cuisine and to finish off with a bang a Boat Party to remember along the Thames. Buy a total of £40 worth of events for only £30 with the Wilson House Event Pass! So, what are you waiting for? Get your pass now and see you there!

Event details:
1. Brick Lane Curry Night – 7.30pm Thursday 3rd October at Aladin, 132 Brick Lane, E1 6RU
2. Welcome Party – 7.00pm Monday 7th October at the Kingpin Suite in Bloomsbury Lanes, WC1H 9EU
3. Aroma Buffet – 7.00pm Tuesday 8th October, Aroma, W12 8PP, 12 Trinity Square
4. Boat Party – 6.30pm Thursday 10th October at Westminster Pier, SW1A 2JH

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This product is sold by a Hall of Residence. For further information about how this product is fulfilled or for any enquiries relating to this product please contact the relevant group or Union Reception

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Requires being a resident of Wilson House.
10+ in stock