
Wilson House - Welcome Party

INCLUDED IN THE WILSON HOUSE EVENTS PASS, this is an individual event ticket
Welcome Party for all Wilson House residents with bowling, karaoke, arcade games, music, food and drinks! Come for lots of fun on Monday the 7th of October from 7 pm until 11 pm at the Kingpin Suite in Bloomsbury Lanes, Tavistock Hotel, Bedford Way, WC1H 9EU. Your ticket includes unlimited access to all the activities, delicious pizza and a drink.
We will leave from the main entrance at 18:15 pm, but if you can't make it don't fret you can always meet as there!

Seller Information

This product is sold by a Hall of Residence. For further information about how this product is fulfilled or for any enquiries relating to this product please contact the relevant group or Union Reception

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Maximum 1 purchase.
Condition not checked, please log in:
Requires being a resident of Wilson House.
10+ in stock