Our Officer Goals for Spring Term


Union updates


08 jan 2024


Officer Trustee Team

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4 min

Officer Trustee Team standing in between giant letters which spell out Imperial

As we welcome you back from the Winter break, we wanted to let you know how last term went and what our plans for the next months are.


Our joint goal as Officer Trustees this year is sustainability. Loads of positive progress has already been made and this will continue to be a top priority for us!

Christian and Stephanie have worked to implement the Principles of Socially Responsible Engagement to ensure the Union's commercial partners align with our values on sustainability and human rights, as well as updating the Clubs & Societies Trips Funding Policy to ensure that all funding prioritises sustainable travel.

This term, Stephanie will be working on the Union's sustainability strategy and hosting the London Student Sustainability Conference - check it out here - and Camille will continue to work to ensure that the College divests from fossil fuel companies.

Access to Amenities on Campus

Last term, Camille began work to ensure that all students have access to the amenities that they need, on all Imperial Campuses. This work has been incredibly successful so far and aims integrate with College apps to make it simple for all students to know what is available to them.

Student Experience Fund

Last term, Christian implemented the Student Experience Fund to provide funding for students to participate in activities that they otherwise would not be able to. The fund has been successful seeing over £20,000 already be spent! Christian and Andreea will be working this term on expanding the Student Experience Fund to international and postgraduate students to ensure that all those who need it can access it.

Clubs & Societies Funding & Performance

Christian, Camille, and Stephanie have been working on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of CSP funding, spending and annual budgeting, by working with a large group of staff across the Union. The project has produced very useful recommendations which will be implemented over the next year to improve the experience of all CSPs and committee members.

This term, Stephanie and Christian will also be working on CSP annual budgeting to improve the process and ensure that all CSPs have fair access to the funding they require.

Improving the Experience of Imperial Students

Camille and Andreea have been working with the College on the Access and Participation Plan to gather feedback from students on how to better support them.

Andreea has been working on implementing a parents & carers network with the Graduate School, and working on the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy with a focus on transitioning into and out of Imperial and acquiring a sense of belonging.

Support for International Students

Last term, Yi worked to increase the Centre for Academic English 1:1 drop-in slots, with a 70% increase on last year. Work has also been done to map students' preferences and availability to ensure they receive the best support possible.

UROP Improvements

Yi has worked last term to simplify the UROP application process, with a very positive outcome! Following a 2025 report from the College Registry, students will only need to submit applications once rather than applying to different departments.

This is just a taste of the work we've been doing. Keep an eye out for future blog posts to see the work of individual officers.

We hope you have a fantastic term!

Best wishes,

Camille, Christian, Stephanie, Yi and Andreea