Update on the Pro-Palestinian Student Encampment and Summer Ball.


Union updates


07 jun 2024


Imperial College Union

Read Time

2 min

Light purple background with a dark purple semi circle taking up the page from the bottom. A white ICU logo is in the middle

Imperial College Union are aware of the recent concerns raised following a rally held by pro-Palestinian activists on Wednesday, June 5th, regarding the potential impact on the Summer Ball due to the encampment currently taking place on the Queen's Lawn, the designated location for this year's event.

Imperial College Union are aware of the recent concerns raised following a rally held by pro-Palestinian activists on Wednesday, June 5th, regarding the potential impact on the Summer Ball due to the encampment currently taking place on the Queen's Lawn, the designated location for this year's event.

We are pleased to confirm that we have been working closely with the organisers of the encampment and have reached an agreement to ensure that the Summer Ball 2024 can go ahead as planned. In cooperation with the organisers, we are facilitating a pause or relocation of the encampment for the duration of the event.

The encampment organisers have expressed their commitment to ensuring that the Summer Ball can take place without affecting students' end-of-year celebrations. They have been very supportive and cooperative throughout the planning process, working alongside Union staff to make this possible.

We are dedicated to ensuring a memorable and enjoyable Summer Ball for all attendees and continue to support all students right to peaceful protest, and we thank you for your patience.

We recognise the impact this issue has on our community. Please note that if you or others you know are personally affected by the conflict in Israel and Gaza, you can access the College's wellbeing services for students, including the Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre. If these events are impacting your studies, contact our Advice Service who can support with mitigation requests.

Imperial College Union continues to support all students and condemns any harassment and bullying of students from Israeli, Jewish, Muslim, and Palestinian backgrounds.