Street Doctors

Category: Academic Related
Street Doctors is a movement of young healthcare volunteers who train young people to become lifesavers in their communities. We teach two types of sessions: 'What to do if someone is bleeding?' and 'What to do if someone is knocked out?'. Every member will be able to learn more about knife crime, first aid and making a difference. Medical students who are members of IC Street Doctors will be able to audition to join the national charity and start volunteering. As one of our volunteers you will receive training in both first aid skills and teaching and become part of an amazing grass roots campaign to tackle youth violence and save lives. We teach locally in West London and work with schools, youth clubs and young offender institutions. Sessions are taught online and in person. To find out more, you can find our national website here: or email us at

Join Street Doctors

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 93 current members


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