Model United Nations

Category: Social
Passionate about international issues? Interested in the decision-making process at the United Nations? Looking to improve your public speaking and negotiation skills? Or looking for a fun place to learn more and share your opinion on important current events with like-minded people ? Then Imperial College Model United Nations (ICMUN) Society is the place for you. Model United Nations is a forum where delegates represent a country in one of many UN committees and work collaboratively to address a topic of global importance. This involves research on your country’s position on the given issue, debate within the committee to identify causes of the problem and plausible solutions, as well as a force of persuasion and negotiation to rally support of other delegates and networking. At ICMUN, we train our members to develop leadership, communication, research and analytical skills. As a delegation, we attend conferences at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and also the London International Model United Nations. Our delegates have also travelled abroad to attend Harvard's renowned WorldMUN, the “Olympics of MUN”. No prior MUN experience is required upon joining ICMUN, the experienced committee will guide you through all the steps. If you want to be a future leader in politics, business or any other industry, if you're looking to develop your soft skills, or if you’re just interested in joining a club to have some fun and meet nice, friendly and welcoming people, come by or write us to find out more about what we do.

Join Model United Nations

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 20 current members



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