
Co-opting is a process which empowers student group committees to fill the empty committee roles that could not be filled during the normal elections process with a smaller, simpler democratic vote. Co-opting and recruitment may only take place on roles that have already gone through a normal election and that have been unsuccessful in being filled, or where the role is now vacant due to a resignation.

Please ensure you follow the steps below for a successful election.

  • Step 1 - Notify Members

    You must notify all members of the roles that are available, and give them one week to submit a brief manifesto (200 words max) explaining why they would like to become a committee member and why they think they would be good candidates.

  • Step 2 - Hold your Committee Meeting

    The committee will then need to organise committee meeting to decide via a vote who should be successful. This person organising the election should be a principle committee member (President/Treasurer/Secretary). The steps are as follows:

    • The committee member organising the election should collate the manifestos of each candidate and send them out to all elected committee members. 
    • The current committee should then read through them all.
    • You must hold a committee meeting, either in person or online (or both). Please note you must have two thirds (2/3) of your committee present at the meeting in order for the vote to count.
    • The committee member organising the election should take notes/minutes during the meeting and ensure the panel reach a consensus. You will need to upload proof of the votes so we recommend using a Google form/other method to record votes.
  • Step 3 - Announcement of the Outcome

    You must then notify all candidates of the outcome of the process and notify members of the new committee member. 

  • Step 4 - Inform the Union and Update eActivities

    Now that you have a new committee member, to get them put on the system, please submit a New CSP Committee Member Details 23/24 form (form closed for 23/24 - please email if you need access to it).

    Please note you will have to submit:

    • The committee meeting date
    • The list of attendees
    • The committee meeting notes/minutes
    • Proof of the final votes
    • The new committee members details


    Finally, please add their email to the committee mailing list here.


  • Can I nominate myself if I already hold another position in the committee?

    Yes, you can. You do not need to resign from your current position in order to nominate yourself for the vacant one. You will not be allowed to attend the committee meeting in which the vote takes place. If you are successfully voted in to the position, you can then resign from your original position here. Your committee will then run another co-opting process to fill this position. 

  • I am the only committee member, can I co-opt the other positions?

    No, you can not. You will have to wait until the Autumn Online Elections begin and fill your committee then. Until then, if you need any help completing the required documentation (Annual Room Booking, Annual Activity Registration...) please contact