Union Council: 10 February 2015
Meeting Details
- Agenda
- Paper 2i - Transparency within first year halls of residence
- Paper 2ii - Transparency within first year halls of residence - report
- Paper 3i - Democracy review explanatory paper
- Paper 3ii - Democracy review project implementation plan
- Paper 4 - Appointment of trustees
- Paper 5 - Motion against counter-terrorism and security bill and PREVENT strategy
- Paper 6 - Fossil-Free Imperial
- Paper 7 - Fairtrade policy
- Paper 8 - Sanitary products
- Paper 9 - Motion to lobby College for a definitive lunch hour
- Paper 10 - Council Chair Report
- Paper 11 - Union President Report
- Paper 12 - Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) Report
- Paper 13 - Deputy President (Education) Report
- Paper 14 - Deputy President (Finance & Services) Report
- Paper 15 - Deputy President (Welfare) Report
- Paper 16 - Postgraduate engagement project implementation plan