Union Council: 09 February 2016
Meeting Details
- Agenda
- Paper 1 - Minutes of the last meeting
- Paper 2 - Student trustee recruitment
- Paper 3i - Union response to higher education green paper explanatory paper
- Paper 3ii - Fulfilling our potential - teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice
- Paper 4 - Petition the College for sports funding
- Paper 5 - Motion to oppose changes to student loan repayment threshold
- Paper 6 - Motion to condemn the scrapping of maintenance grants
- Paper 7 - Student consultation on decisions affecting student body
- Paper 8i - Postgraduate representation in constituent unions
- Paper 8ii - RCSU Constitution
- Paper 8iii - CGCU Constitution
- Paper 9 - Affiliation with Citizens UK
- Paper 10 - Union President Report
- Paper 11 - Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) Report
- Paper 12 - Deputy President (Education) Report
- Paper 13 - Deputy President (Finance & Services) Report
- Paper 14 - Deputy President (Welfare) Report
- Paper 15 - College accommodation working group